




徐婧荣(中国),国际传媒教育学院2019级传播学 本科生 :



GOPOLANG DITLHOKWA(博茨瓦纳),传播研究院传播学专业2021级博士研究生:

Today, Beijing pulled an all-time successful opening ceremony for the highly anticipated 2022 Winter Olympic games at the glamorous nest stadium in Beijing. With a special attendance by the Chinese President Xi Jinping, whose arrival clouded the entire Olympics village with parental warmth, fit for a united world. Seeing scores of sportspersons from as far as the United States of America, Europe, Africa, and Asia, this is indeed was the opportune moment to showcase how sports and culture could bring together people of different races and ideologies under the same roof. The reception for these games had painted the entire country with love, global peace, and unity, synonymous with the Chinese ideals. Also, this is a special moment for China to be acknowledged for having successfully managed to protect lives by ensuring strict adherence to COVID-19 protocols. 

China’s leading media university, Communication University of China also extended the courtesy and invited many international students to a viewing session and open buffet, to celebrate with the world usher in the official commencement of the games. I could not hide my sincere gratitude to the university for such a wonderful gesture. This helped us take some time away from our studies to experience the real flair and joy that the Chinese people displayed to welcome the games. Indeed, China has put so much effort and anticipation to bring the entire world to Beijing, and not only would the teams achieve medals, but also, dialogue and cultural exchange. The different dance styles, with an attachment of the Olympics sporting codes and themes of unity, choreographed to display the state-of-the-art technological expertise and diverse Chinese culture revived the memories of how China has contributed to the fame of world sport some decades ago. Interestingly, a special appearance by over 70-year old’s, who participated in the parades and square dances from the different cities in China spiced up this exceptional celebration. Above all, this was a reminder that the world can be made a better place through sports. I would like to once again, thank the Communication University of China for having considered the greatest importance of inviting us to be part of the 2022 Beijing Winter Olympics opening ceremony. 


I was very excited for Beijing Winter Olympics when I came China for my PhD in 2019. I wanted to attend the event in person. Then coronavirus happened and we all went into a never ending pandemic. Beijing did arrange Olympics but under strict restrictions. The spectators are not allowed. However, I am invited to attend closing ceremony of the winter games. Communication University of China where I study arranged TV screening of opening ceremony for the foreign students. It had also arranged dinner for us. It was first time for me to watch screening of any sport event online. I was excited. While enjoying pizza, chicken wings and salad, I watched the whole ceremony which was loaded with the concept of spring. It started with a countdown and ended when two Chinese players put Olympic torch in the big snowflake made with the smaller snowflake placards of each country participating in the Olympics. I loved how the volunteers and participants have been working on the stage tirelessly, for their country. I read tweet of an associated press journalist who was attending the event in person about those volunteers’ cheering teams of each country as they enter the stage. He wrote they have been actively dancing and cheering for two hours. It was so cold last night but the spirit of whole China was so high. I wish China best of luck for Olympics and thank CUC for arranging this event. I hope in future university would arrange more events for us that would allow us to interact with each other in better and healthy ways.



