
The Inaugural CUC-NTU Alumni Beijing Forum Evening Session on Intercultural Competence


(通讯员 Bimbo Mercy 彭美涵 摄影 张馨怡 黄佳荧 向亦飞 )1125日,首届CUC-NTU校友北京论坛“创意思维与创造力”在中国传媒大学国际交流会议中心召开。本次论坛分为早、中、晚三场, 在晚场,中外师生围绕“工作中的跨文化交际与就业能力”的主题,开展了一场生动有趣的跨文化交流。

The Inaugural CUC-NTU Alumni Beijing Forum on Creative Thought and Creativity unfolded on Nov.25,2023 at the Communication University of China International Convention Center. The event consisted of three sessionsmorning, afternoon and evening. In the evening session, Chinese and foreign teachers and students carried out a lively and interesting cross-cultural communication around the theme of  "Intercultural Competence at Work and Employability."

诺丁汉特伦特大学在京的5名教师30余名国际学生和20多名中国学生参加了晚场论坛。晚场论坛由英国诺丁汉特伦特大学教师Stella Bunnag主持,Stella教授从跨文化交际能力的定义出发,鼓励同学们思考、讨论分享观点。随后,Stella教授详细介绍了如何在日常生活中运用跨文化交际能力,并强调了它在专业领域的关键作用。

Five professors from Nottingham Trent University, more than 30 international students, and more than 20 Chinese students attended the evening session. Prof. Stella Bunnag, a faculty member of Nottingham Trent University, hosted the evening forum. She initiated the discussion by defining intercultural Competence and encouraged participants to share their perspectives. The engaging discourse progressed to practical aspects, detailing how to activate intercultural Competence and underscoring its pivotal role in the professional realm.


The event seamlessly integrated interactive group activities, enhancing the overall experience. Attendees, organized into 6 groups, commenced with introductions to foster a sense of friendship. This ice-breaking session set the tone for meaningful discussions. Participants then tackled relevant questions: Why is it important to develop intercultural competence in the workplace? How can we enhance this competence? Each group selected a leader to represent them, and the ensuing presentations were characterized by excellence, showcasing a profound understanding of the topics discussed.


Adding a forward-looking dimension to the event, Professor Stella, the keynote speaker, shared insights into a forthcoming project aligned with the forum's theme. She implored both Chinese and international students to anticipate more such gatherings in the future, emphasizing that these events would contribute significantly to fostering intercultural communication and cooperation among students. This forward-looking perspective added an element of anticipation and enthusiasm to the event's overall atmosphere.


The events gracefully concluded with a tea break, allowing participants to network and reflect on the day's insights. A group photography session encapsulated the collaborative spirit of the event, leaving a lasting impression on all who attended.


As a promising note, the organizers announced that the same program would be held next year, promising more opportunities for learning, collaboration, and cultural exchange.