护照姓名 Passport Name |
中文名 Chinese Name |
最高学位/即将获得的学位 Highest Degree Obtained/to be Obtained | □学士 Bachelor’s Degree □硕士 Master’s Degree □博士 Doctoral Degree |
最高学历所在专业 Your Major at Previous University |
最高学历所在学校 Previous University |
最高学历所在学校情况 Details of Previous University | 1. 所在国家 Country: 2. 国内排名 National Ranking: 3. 排名来源(网址)Source of Ranking (Website Address):
原始GPA和原始GPA分制 Original GPA and Calculation Scale(例e.g. 3.9/4.5) 如果你的学校不计算GPA,可以不填写。 If your previous university does not calculate GPA, please ignore this section. |
4分制GPA GPA on a 4.0 Scale 如果你的学校不计算GPA,可以不填写。 If your previous university does not calculate GPA, please ignore this section. |
平均成绩和分制 Average Score and Calculation Scale (例e.g. 80/100) 请没有填写GPA栏目的同学填写。 If you didn’t provide information in the GPA sections, please fill in this section. |
成绩排名和总人数 Class Rank and Total Number of Students(例e.g. 15/30) 选填 Optional |
汉语水平 Chinese Proficiency 请申请中文授课项目的同学填写。 If you are applying for CUC’s Chinese-taught programmes, please fill in this section. | HSK 等级Level分数Score 在马来西亚、新加坡等国接受过12年华文教育
Having received 12 years of education with Chinese as the language of instruction in Malaysia, Singapore, etc. |
英语水平 English Proficiency 请申请英文授课项目的同学填写。 If you are applying for CUC’s English-taught programmes, please fill in this section. | □托福分数TOEFL Result: □雅思分数IELTS Result: □多邻国分数Duolingo Result: □最高学历阶段为全英文授课 English as the language of instruction at previous university |
发表论文情况 Published Papers | 格式:第几作者+论文题目+期刊名称+期刊级别+发表时间 Format: First/second…Author + Paper Title + Journal Name + Journal Category + Publication Time
硕士毕业论文主题 Topic of Master's Programme's Graduation Dissertation 请申请博士项目的同学填写。 If you are applying for CUC’s doctoral programmes, please fill in this section. |
学术/实践/文化等活动经历、工作经历 Academic/Social Practice/Cultural Activities or Work Experience | 格式:活动内容+地点+时间 Format: Experience + Location + Time
获奖经历 Awards | 格式:奖励名称+颁发单位+时间 Format: Award Name + Awarding Body + Time
其他学术成果 Other Academic Achievements |
研究兴趣 Research Interests 申请硕士项目者选填,申请博士项目者必填。 Optional for applicants of CUC’s master’s programmes; mandatory for applicants of CUC’s doctoral programmes |
申请陈述 Application Statement 内容可以包括专业背景与能力、申请动机(对中国和学校的认知、对申请专业的期待等)、学习/研究计划、毕业后的安排等,字数在1000字以上。 申请博士项目的同学,建议在本表后面另附一份详细具体的研究计划。 In this section, we suggest you discuss your academic background and competence, application motivation (e.g. understanding of Nanjing University and China, expectation of the programme you are applying for…), study/research plan, arrangements after graduation, etc. Minimum word number: 1000. If you are applying for CUC’s doctoral programmes, we suggest you attach a detailed research proposal after this form.